Tag Archives: #diabeticwoundcaremalaysia

Heel Gangrene

Heel Vesicle Which may convert to heel gangrene
Heel Vesicle which was drained in the OPD and is now drying off
The heel vesicle is drying off

This is one of the commonest reasons for heel gangrene in Diabetics. This is a heel vesicle formed due to pressure on the heel while lying down. This vesicle should preferably not be debrided as that can lead to non healing and gangrene of the heel. As can be seen from the pictures, the vesicle was drained and pressure was not allowed to be applied to the affected heel. This led to drying of the vesicle and over some time the dry skin will fall off to be replaced by normal skin.
#DiabeticFootClinic, #podiatrist , #GANGRENE , #legulcers , #diabeticfoot , #legwounds,
#diabeticfootclinicindia, #diabeticfootclinicnearme , #gangrenetreatment , #pressureulcer
#venousstasis , #heelgangrene

Infected Charcot Foot

This is a picture of a Charcot Foot with inter communicating wound between Central Plantar Space & Dorsum of foot. Patient had been treated at an outside centre before coming to us. Patient was a known case of diabetes and presented to us in septicemia. After anatomical debridement, silver dressings and advanced wound care and supportive treatment the patient completely healed and was later mobilized in a pneumatic walker.

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